Groin Pulls - An Introduction

22 September 2015

Athletes of all kinds are wary of Groin Pull, a potentially painful and debilitating injury. With the right treatment and exercises, though, the damage done and risk of re-injury can be severely reduced.

What is a Groin Pull?

A groin pull is the result of putting too much strain on the muscles in your groin and inner thigh. It specifically affects the adductor muscles, which help bring the legs together and back towards the body. If the muscles contract too suddenly or forcefully they can over-stretch and tear. Groin pulls are particularly common in athletes who play sports requiring a lot of running, jumping and changes in direction.

Symptoms of a groin pull include a sudden sharp pain, followed by some swelling and bruising. Groin pulls are divided into categories based on their severity, with a grade 1 injury resulting in mild pain but little loss of movement while a grade 3 injury can involve a complete tear of the muscle and is both extremely painful and also affects movement severely.

How Does This Happen?

Groin pulls happen most often when either sprinting, suddenly changing direction or during a rapid movement of the leg against resistance, for example kicking a ball. This is why sports players are particularly at risk of the injury. The symptoms of a groin pull can often be confused with a sports hernia, so make sure to consult a professional to safely discern the difference.

Treatment Options for Groin Pulls

The treatment options for groin pulls are similar to other sprains and strains, in that the most important thing initially is simply to rest. A general rule is that if anything causes the muscle to hurt then you should stop doing it. If it is a mild pull and you can walk without discomfort then that is fine, but if you start trying any activity and it begins to hurt then you should stop immediately until you can do it pain-free. 

As soon as possible after the injury you should also apply ice to the affected area. This will reduce the pain and inflammation, and the sooner it is done the sooner you can begin rehabilitation. 

Applying some form of compression to the injury such as an elastic bandage or a groin support is also a good idea, and can provide support as well as helping with swelling as well. 

When resting, you should also try and keep the groin as elevated as possible to make sure more blood is returning to the heart from the extremities which in turn will also reduce swelling. The acronym RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) covers these treatment options. 

Which Products Can Help with Groin Pulls?

One of the best ways to help with a groin pull and prevent future injuries is to strengthen the muscles through resistance, and warm them up properly through stretches. Start with static stretching and move on to dynamic speed and agility drills. For this, the Escape Fitness Agility Grid SystemAdjustable Hurdle and Speed Discs are ideally suited. 

At Think Sport we offer a full range of supports and braces to help you get through recovery and get back on your feet, visit our online store where you're sure to find everything you need to be fighting fit in no time.
