Oppo Elastic Controlled Compression Elbow Wrap
The Oppo Elastic Controlled Compression Elbow Wrap utilises extra strength elastic and transverse nylon fibres to guarantee long-lasting, heavy duty support. Whether you're looking for an extra layer of support and or require controlled compression to moderate movement of the joint, an elbow wrap is the ideal solution. Manage pain effectively and play at your best every time.
What's Included?
Who Can Make Gains with the Oppo Elbow Wrap?
The Oppo Elbow Wrap works by compressing and stabilising the joint to relieve pressure on overworked, injured or painful areas. For those involved in racket sports, golf or weight lifting, there is greater strain placed on the tendons and ligaments, often causing tendinitis and bursitis. As well as preventing injury, the Oppo Brace is well-suited to those in late-stage recovery looking to get back on the court without over-exerting their elbow.
Key Features and Benefits
- 'Starter loop' can be pre-positioned for controlled compression
- Can be used to relieve pain and manage tennis or golfer's elbow (epicondylitis)
- Ideal for use by those with elbow tendinitis or bursitis
- Provides compression to weaker or strained elbows for optimal support and comfort
- Adjustable compression reduces wrist and finger extensor tension while gripping
- Assists with alleviating pain, swelling, and stiffness after exercise
- Can be used to facilitate the healing process following injury
- Reduces risk of new or recurring injuries by creating greater flexibility
What Conditions Will the Oppo Elbow Support Help With?
The Oppo Elbow Support provides targeted, at-home relief for a variety of ailments and elbow related injuries, including:
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers Elbow
- Elbow Bursitis
- Dislocation
- Post-Operative Recovery
- Post-Injury Recovery
- Sprains
- Arthritis
- Tendinitis
- Golfer's Elbow
- Sporting Injuries
- Rehabilitation
What Is the Purpose of an Elbow Wrap?
The Oppo Elbow Support has been designed to manage symptoms of bursitis and tendinitis, as well as for offering comfort and support to weak and strained elbows. The sleeve is ideal for providing effective pain relief to those suffering from tennis or golfer's elbow (also known as epicondylitis).
Starter Loop for Controlled Compression
Using a starter loop that can be pre-positioned, the Oppo Elbow Wrap offers controlled compression allowing you to tighten the wrap according to the amount of pressure desired. For everyday wear intended to accelerate healing and reduce mild pain, light compression should be applied. During high-intensity activity that places impact directly on the joint, such as racket sports or weightlifting, greater pressure is required.
Strengthen the Elbow to Prevent Reinjury
By using an elbow brace consistently and correctly during and after exercise, you will drastically reduce the risk of new or recurring injuries by creating greater flexibility in the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Whether you're recovering from an operation or injury, the Oppo Elbow Brace can help rebuilt the strength in your elbow to help prevent reinjury.
Universal Sizing with Secure Fastening
With secure fastenings that can be adjusted according to your arm circumference, the Oppo Elbow Wrap will fit most users well despite varying size. With a bilateral design, this versatile strap can be worn on either the left or right arm, allowing you to ensure your dominant playing arm receives adequate support.