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TLSO Braces

After a significant fracture of the back as a result of an accident or surgery, ensuring the spine is kept aligned and supported is crucial for your recovery. Our TLSO Braces, also known as Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis Braces, are designed to keep your spine aligned to reduce pain and allow the healing process to take place.

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Thuasne Sleeq Flex Spinal Compression Brace

Thuasne Sleeq Flex Spinal Compression Brace

  • Provides kinaesthetic reminder to use your muscles to extend spine
  • Well-padded shoulder straps make donning and doffing a cinch
  • TLSO Back Brace helps with a range of different conditions
  • Uses high-quality, lightweight and breathable materials
£139.99(inc. VAT)

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when you spend £40


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